Dismissive or–tssss–Fierce?

Disclaimer: Today’s post contains some vulgar terms. Read at your own discretion.

I’m not sure when it started becoming a popular trend, but all I know is best friends are calling each other bitches, whores, hoes, hookers. I mean, is that the sweetest thing you can call your BFF?

Sometimes those things are said in the heat of the moment to offend people. But now, I feel like people have such a thick skin, they don’t know the meaning of offense or self-respect.

Few days ago I was on Snooki’s webpage—don’t ask—and I happened to notice her tweets: Love you, hooker. Check out this bitch—she is the best. I’m relaxing with my whores. After a few tweets, I was appalled. I’m sure she meant no harm, but aren’t there any better words in the dictionary she’d rather use?

It is not only Snooki, but I’ve seen people use this terms a lot lately. The thing that bothers me most is why anyone would allow to be called something like that.

Personally, I don’t believe it is—tssss—fierce. It doesn’t have such a nice tone to it, and I can’t even believe people respond when they’re called such names.

Please, appraise me: did it become a hotshot trend after Jwow or Snooki or, even worse, the sweetest bitch (Sammy) started calling each other those names? Do people use it as a dismissive term? Or it is a lovey-dovey term that is irreplaceable? I’d like to know.

Review: The Complete Monk Series

You can say that I am a Monk fanatic as Marci Maven, although I don’t have a webpage dedicated mainly for Mr. Monk, I don’t own stuffs he threw out, and most certainly, he doesn’t have a restraining order against me and I can’t sing like Marci. But I am absolutely in love with this show I’ve been re-watching every season, every episode since 2009. (Yes, some parties are concerned–and, yes, I am sure, none of his OCD behaviors are rubbing off.)

So, bearing in mind how obsessed I am with the show, the word amazing would not show my genuine respect and love toward Monk. Monk is: Stupendous, astonishing, graceful, authentic, stunning, remarkable, outstanding, fantastic, wonderful, splendid … the list goes on.

I don’t know when I got hooked, but after I did, I just watched and watched and watched and watched every single episode until I didn’t (which is never).  I mean–people can obsess over something for quite a while, but I believe there is a stopping point. Right? My insatiable consumption of this show happens to be incessant. I can’t get enough of it even though I can recite most of the lines in each episode by heart.

(As a psychology student who has studied so many disorders, I am wondering if I have a disorder of some sort, although I can’t tell what it is. Or maybe I’m just being paranoid. I don’t know. In any case, I am obsessed. Gripped. Infatuated. Possessed. )

Now I have that out of the way, I’d like you to meet few of the cast accordingly:

Adrian Monk: He is selfish, extremely funny, a baby, smart, sensitive, and adorably oblivious. (Those traits together don’t sound right, but it works perfectly.) He is a stickler about (almost) everything. He has a list of his phobias in a rank (and he keeps a lot of notes for so many reasons). He is well-known for his conspicuous gestures. He is a character that many of us will have a hard time identifying with; he is very peculiar in many ways. Yet, he is irresistibly charming and fun to watch.

Throughout the seasons, I laughed incessantly and I admired his ability to keep viewers (like me who are easily amused) entertained and engaged and, most certainly, impressed.

I haven’t watched a TV show this fascinating since 24 hours, but Monk, with his wit and imperfection rocks my socks off.

I know some people might disapprove his techniques, or think that it is lame–but I don’t care. It can be as tacky as anything that is tacky; I’d still love the show. (But I must say, deep down, sometimes, I find myself defying his techniques and I would mentally quick myself to stop nitpicking.)

Sharona Fleming: Outspoken and, sometimes, scary, and doesn’t succumb for any of his fusses. Although she can be tough on him, she is my favorite “nurse/assistant/baby-sitter/assistant” he ever had. I guess I liked the fact that she is aggressive and she doesn’t do anything he tells her to do. She is opinionated, but she is very sweet as well.

Natalie Teeger (His second assistant after Sharona left to remarry her ex-husband): Down-to-earth and she’d do anything for Mr. Monk. (I guess I can see many people falling for her sweet and pleasing attitude, but, for me, Sharona trumps Natalie.)

Lieutenant Randall “Randy” Disher – He is such a, er, baby but hilarious.

Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: He is the voice of reason in this show. He manages to balance Randy’s absolute childish behavior, Monk’s adorable obliviousness, and Sharona’s/Natalie’s role as an assistant (which can get out of hand sometimes). Still, he is awesome and funny.

Lastly, I apologize that I can’t be an objective critic when it comes to this show (although I’m acutely aware of its flaws). So … I will be stubborn and stay biased. I hope you love enjoy it as much as I do. On the contrary, I’d really love to hear your negative argument about this show if you’ve watched it. If not, I highly recommend it. “You’ll thank me later.”

Rating: 5/5 (I wish I could give it more.)