Dismissive or–tssss–Fierce?

Disclaimer: Today’s post contains some vulgar terms. Read at your own discretion.

I’m not sure when it started becoming a popular trend, but all I know is best friends are calling each other bitches, whores, hoes, hookers. I mean, is that the sweetest thing you can call your BFF?

Sometimes those things are said in the heat of the moment to offend people. But now, I feel like people have such a thick skin, they don’t know the meaning of offense or self-respect.

Few days ago I was on Snooki’s webpage—don’t ask—and I happened to notice her tweets: Love you, hooker. Check out this bitch—she is the best. I’m relaxing with my whores. After a few tweets, I was appalled. I’m sure she meant no harm, but aren’t there any better words in the dictionary she’d rather use?

It is not only Snooki, but I’ve seen people use this terms a lot lately. The thing that bothers me most is why anyone would allow to be called something like that.

Personally, I don’t believe it is—tssss—fierce. It doesn’t have such a nice tone to it, and I can’t even believe people respond when they’re called such names.

Please, appraise me: did it become a hotshot trend after Jwow or Snooki or, even worse, the sweetest bitch (Sammy) started calling each other those names? Do people use it as a dismissive term? Or it is a lovey-dovey term that is irreplaceable? I’d like to know.

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